The MN Bass Tour – Evolving the Member Experience

May 24, 2017
Jim Krocak

“Excited to be back online”

When we started this Tour in 2011, we set out to create a complete yet timely communication path with the members. We leveraged a highly accessed website under our previous tourney brand with great feedback on how we conducted our tournament business.

For 2017, we’ve introduced exciting changes by renaming ourselves the Minnesota Bass Tour, by creating an edgy new logo, and also having a fresh look on the web.

This MBT site is going to continue to evolve to take advantage of the latest in web technology.

One such evolution is to build out this News page which will be used to communicate out ease-off notices, tournament results, member news, and highlighting our prestigious sponsors. Not only will messaging be timely but also performed in a wide-sweeping manner connected with social media. We feel this will drive a high level of value to our existing and prospective sponsors.

Another fun level of functionality: the Minnesota Bass Tour pages will deliver a comfortable viewing experience whether on your phone, tablet or desktop – it’s a responsive themed site.

So in the office behind the desk, you can view the full splendor of the photo galleries and results on your PC and then continue to dream you were out on the lake.

But let’s say its 30 minutes before the start of a tourney and you can’t remember where the access is or your blast-off number. Pulling this up on your phone will render a quick and simple menu to get you to the lake and confirm your blast-off order. I encourage you to check this out on various platforms and see for yourselves!

More to come as we communicate out tourney, sponsors’ products, or other miscellaneous tidbits, check back often (…on your phone, tablet, or PC.), thank you for your interest and feedback!

Jim Krocak   |   Director, MN Bass Tour

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